Monday, June 15, 2009

Bittersweet aging

Saturday night, while watching my brother and roommate play video games, I started to look up some bass guitar solos on youtube. This reminded me of one in an old live White Heart video that my brother and I used to watch religiously as kids. We would get out our Tinker Toys and make guitars and drum sets out of them and rock out while watching the video. It made me think in reverse for a bit. When we're little kids, we can't wait to grow up and do "grown-up" things. But once we get here, it's not so amazing. We have jobs, commitments, and more responsibilities than we ever expected as an eight year old kid. And to think that I used to complain about having to wash the dishes or fold the least that didn't involve hundreds of dollars in bills and expenses every week. But I think we make life too complicated sometimes...well, most of the time. I know there are big issues such as job loss and family issues that will obviously cause stress; but when it comes to the little things we deal with every day...why are they made into such big ordeals? Who cares if that co-worker didn't say 'good morning' to you?...or that you didn't get asked out to lunch?...or that someone made a small mistake that you had to fix?...Just deal with it and move on. We're not really as important to revolution of the world as we make ourselves think. To think that everyone around us has it on their agendas to make our lives as easy as possible is just ludicrous; and the more we make ourselves believe that, the more we're going to be stressed out and disappointed. The only one we should be putting our effort into pleasing is God. Seeing as how he's the one that gives us everything we have in the first place, shouldn't he be the one who gets all the credit and attention? So just chill out, tell your pride to hit the road, and quit caring what everyone thinks of you. Because, in the end, what they think isn't worth squat.

If you want a little light entertainment, watch this video and imagine an eight and a ten year old sitting in front of the tv with sunglasses on and a Tinker Toy stage set out on the living room floor...tell me that doesn't make you laugh.


  1. What I want to know is.... did you dance along with them? :-D

  2. Oh, I'm sure we did...Ben actually wanted to grow his hair out like Rick Florian, the lead singer...obviously before the age of realizing the impossibility of it.
