Monday, July 6, 2009


Last night, before bed, my brother started talking to me about some of the things he was reading in Genesis...around the time of the Flood. Some of the things he mentioned were very new to both of us and started us thinking. So, this is just a note for me to reference back to as a reminder of some of the questions and topics I want to research more.

..All animals living in peace before the Flood

..Everything being vegetarian before the Flood

..Who are the Nephilim? (Gen. 6:4 & Num. 13:33)

..What is meant by the 'Sons of God' having offspring with the 'Children of man'?

..Maybe inter-family relations weren't the only way that mankind was able to begin?

..Did it ever rain before the Flood? Did plants grow from the water in the earth? (
'on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened')

..Was the reason for the first rainbow because it had never rained before? No moisture in the air?

..Was time different in some way back then? Did men really live 900+ years in today's years?

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