Sunday, December 6, 2009

Life is Good

I had to laugh when I finally came back to check on this blog and realized that I was talking about how I had gotten my truck up and running and all the stuff I was going to fix on it...well, I actually sold it and bought a '93 Toyota Camry. Aaaaaand, as my luck would have it, it broke on me. So, I decided to bite the bullet and take out a loan for a good car. Now I'm driving a 2001 Jeep Cherokee.

Other than cars, I recently quit my job at Venntis and am working for Inontime in Zeeland. Right now, I'm driving vans and straight trucks, but by the end of the year, I'll be driving full semis.

I'm going to school full time studying web design and animation and I've been dating an amazing and beautiful girl named Kristin for almost a month now. Hmmm...I think that's about it for now.

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