Thursday, July 7, 2011

What's next...

What have I been doing lately? Well, there's too much to cover since my last post, so let's just sum up my life now...

- I work as a 3rd shift dispatcher at Inontime Logistics & Warehousing. I work (4) 12-13 hour shifts per week. As much as the long nights suck, the long weekends and even longer holidays are awesome.
- I have my own apartment now in Holland, MI where I live with my girlfriend, Kristin.
- Speaking of Kristin, we have been dating for over a year and a half now. We have had some very rough patches along the way and have endured a lot of hurt and pain, but the care and the love we have for each other always overcome the hard times.
- Since my car issues seem to be a theme in these things, I am driving a 2001 Jeep Cherokee and it's been the most reliable vehicle I've owned yet.
- My family life is...somewhat stable. My folks obviously aren't on board with the whole "girlfriend living with me" thing and they have yet to meet her...don't see that happening any time soon either.
- I'm working hard at getting Kristin and myself out of debt so we can move on to the next stage of our lives without that stress. I'm making headway...slowly but surely.
- As far as the near future...doesn't look much different than now. With the exception of hopefully more activities and hobbies outside of home. I want to get back into camping, hiking, biking, etc. and I know Kristin does too. It's just a matter of getting the ambition to get off our asses and do those things.

That's about all for now. I know nobody really reads these, but it's nice to look back on at times and see where I was at at certain points in life. Later!

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